Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Upcycles/Business going viral!

I am so excited! I am going to be putting my designs for sale online.  My husband is working on it right now so I will let you know but it will be how cool is that, I am putting more of my upcycles up now and later today so you can see them first. I added some features on blog so we can communicate better. Shout out to Kenya, Russia, and Germany! I am so glad you are here, lets be friends. We can set up hang out and talk!


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This I love!  It is my favorite, almost don't want to sell. Lollapalooza concert shirt married with men's shirts and Chicos 3/4 sleeve jersey tshirt. Having the dress form really helps when getting the hang of the garment right, keep checking online or at thrift stores in your area.  You could even ask retailers if you could purchase mannequin from them, that would work too. Of course nothing replaces trying the garment on to see how it hangs prior to sewing. Pins are my friends!

This is a thermel t married with mens shirts. Remember what I shared about color magick. This first entry would be bold and presenting your best self yet grounding and protecting with the interspersed black. This is green and blues predominantly and would incorporate both the effects of those colors (see posting on color magick). Both are 100% cotton so they would be great conductors of your intentions with color for the day.  Plus while I was sewing I thought about my intentions and usually use black thread but sometimes utilize different  colors depending on my intentions. Starting to see my methods of madness?!!

Here I stayed mostly with gray or grey depending on where you live. I can just feel the differnce putting this on.  Remember gray is...

 neutral so you are invisible or almost wearing a cloak. Now if I want to I can accent with any color using color magick and add desired intent (like red, purple, blue, pink, etc.). So you see, it is more versitile if you will, leaving me with even more possibilities and feeling super safe!

Another favorite I won't sell marries Isaac Mizra (Target) sweater with Anthropology skirt with appliques and part of a dress ( the peach at the bottom). I did not really wear skirt so pulled stuff together and wah'la. The skirt had rolled down waist so I incorperated it in the front in case I don't want to wear cami. I am wearing hand dyed cami that was once dingy white. Looks great now and perfect layered with this upcycle. Now we have orange, yellow, peach, etc. Cool right.

I really would like to interact so leave reply, should work now and happy sewing! I will post pictures later today so check back and I hope you are seeing more possibilities in your own closet. How green and frugal of you! Later, Colleen.

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