I wrote yesterday about thrift stores. There are also other places you can look. If you want vintage items, check out the classifieds for estate sales-some of them are the whole home because, sorry to say, someone has passed on and you might find a sewer and accumulate a wealth of items, including sewing machines and supplies, not to mention antique items like lace and fabric. I am not too keen on older threads for anything but display or as art themselves, they tend to break easier than threads made today. You also can upcycle vintage garments into your design. If there are other ways to locate these items cheap in your area, that would be your best bet. Just keep your eye on these resources.
I find that consignment stores have better quality and less damaged goods for the main focus of your upcycle. You may pay a little more, but you will get the labels you desire in great condition. They usually have sale items too-I have seen $1 racks at some of these stores, and you can pick up nifty items for cheap this way. If you get to know the shop keeper, she can call you when she comes across new items that you may be interested in, and if you purchase quite a bit on a regular basis, ask for a discount-that will save you money too.
Last, I can't say enough about friends, family, and friends and family of friends and family. You get the idea. Just letting people know what you are up to upcycling-even just for yourself or for gifts, they will gladly give you their cast-offs. They would rather give them to someone creative than just straight up donate them. Check back if they cast off quite a lot and I have made friends this way that I never would have. I hope these help you to locate the items you want to upcycle. The more materials you have on hand when you begin to design the better. Later, Colleen
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