Hope you are having a great day, I know I am! I wanted to share a little secret to fix a garment that has a hole, a stain, something you have on it that you are about ready to toss it out but you LOVE it. Well I have the perfect trick. Personally I like denim on anything but you may not, so go to your scraps and find a piece of material that you feel coordinates with the garment-personally I think denim goes with everything, even something formal. Cut out a shape that you like-I love hearts. Then pin it over the problem. Sew it on using a heavy or universal needle (depending on your machine of course) and use the thread of your choice. Use a thread of the same color of the scrap if you want it to blend in and a contrasting one if you want it to show. You are going to be sewing from the top so bobbin color doesn't matter.
Then you can start at one end of the scrap and go back and forth down the scrap with a straight stitch and angle down about the same width until you reach the bottom. Of course you could do anything you want and you may have fancier stitches on your machine, so go to town, Also, sometimes I then turn the material with needle down and go across my stitches the opposite way to make like a checkerboard type stitch. Remember wabi-sabi-there is perfection in the imperfection, and do it your own way. This is what makes it unique and yours. I then place similar shapes and fabric around the garment (no too many unless that is your design) and stitch them the same, or different if I want unique look to each patch.
When you are done clip your threads and wash, especially if you want tattered look it happens in the wash. After a wash and dry (if fabric can take it) you have a garment of art and you can wear it once again, only this time with even more pride so when they ask you, "Where did you get that," you can say, "I made it."
Below is a photo of only one patch on the Target sweater I love but I put about 5 patches at random places so this one patch is not singled out. Have a great day-more upcycle ideas and a tutorial this weekend. Working on website but it is tedious. Shooting for Sunday or Monday. Later, Colleen
Following this blog is another photo of two patches-had trouble getting them to page. Take care! You know you are already thinking of the garment and ideas are flowing through your head. You can do it!
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